FAME's Research
FAME (female architects of minority ethnic) Collective’s research project is responding to an urgent need for understanding how race and gender affects established practitioners, young scholars and students, from diverse backgrounds, knowledge and practices by researching the barriers in architecture.
This research has been conducted through a range of participatory methods and by engaging with the community of practitioners and students of architecture.
The FAME collective's research is partially supported by the RIBA Research Fund.
If you would like our research book, please email us: architecture.fame.research@gmail.com
To Read the latest FAME collective's Research Findings:
Hit the following links for the research reports 1, 2 & 3:
Report 2: https://issuu.com/fame_architecture_research/docs/fame_research_report_2_01.03.2022
Report 3: https://issuu.com/fame_architecture_research/docs/fame_research_report_3_31.08.2022
Below is a summary video of research report 1
press to play
Below is a summary video of FAME collective's students' survey
press to play & turn on the sound
Below is a summary video of research report 1
press to play & turn on the sound
Below is a summary video of research report 3
press to play & turn on the sound
Key Research Questions
FAME's Research Timeline